Saturday, October 24, 2015

September Doesn't Exist...

... and I'm alive and well.

I haven't written or read anything since yesterday, in August. It always worries when I do that, I have a tendency to get rusty and I easily forget basic dramaturgy because of my shoddy memory. Maybe that's just everyone though, I'm not even sure why I know what––for instance––narrative expectations means. Yes, I've read all of the Wikipedia articles, I am a genius! Fallibilistic tendencies aside, I did a vocabulary test on Merriam-Webster yesterday and got a result that was totally higher than average. Here's the link if you want to try it:

My record is 3940 points, so you can aim at beating that if you're feeling bored. I myself––as I stated––haven't done anything in a while, and I'm afraid to fall out of it. Obviously, I don't need to be afraid anymore because it has already happened. September's not dead; it was never alive, and another month bites the dust. You're going to have to forgive me because it has been very stressful for me outside of the the internet, in real life. On another note, I've noticed some remarkable traffic on this blog since the last week regardless that I never wrote anything. I wanted to do a Halloween month but I'm totally late now. Anyway, if anyone reads this, know that this thing is not dead. My schedule's bursting for the next couple days, but I'mma bum rush it when I have the chance and cook up as many mini-reviews as the mind can BEAR!!!!