Friday, August 26, 2016

Waffle Critiques: Negotiations

“I’m not worth it, I know,” the waffle encrusted.

I’ve never seen a story with two pre-readers and three editors that has so many grammatical errors, quite astonishing actually. Mmm, a kick in the back for you, and no doubt you feel to stab me, don’t you? With that knife of yours, which you hold in your flimsy hands, but I rarely mention anyone involved in or out of the process of penning in these review-thingies because it’s gotten me in trouble before, oops! How does it feel being called out anyway? Like, meaningful or something? Probably not, hmm, I shouldn’t try to flatter myself like that.

In an apocalyptic Conversion Bureau-future, the ponies came to our human world, started a war and lost. Not so misanthropic now, are you, people? Yes, I’ve seen a lot of people-friendly stories lately and I like it; they’re a little more equivocal usually. Anyway! Twilight––who’s capitulated––is stuck with a raw deal and has to negotiate her sexy butt out of it with a U.N. representative of the world Earth and they’ve a surprisingly ideological conversation filled with drama and hapless candor. From one end of the negotiating table to another: