Monday, August 31, 2015

Top 15 Moral Lessons from Friendship is Magic (Seasons 1-3)

Welcome to my countdown of the best morals around, I hope you’re patient with me because this is the first time I’ve done this. The children’s series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic features a freaking menagerie of moral lessons for kids, some of which we can all learn from. In the hardships of life, a sudden gush of optimism can bring perspective and the episodes illustrating these lessons radiate that. From friendly reminders, to conventional wisdom-defying feats, each on this list says something important that I agree with. I will rate the lessons, top down, based on their friendship letters, episodic denouements, how well I feel the story conveyed them and the impression they left on me. With that said:

Friday, August 7, 2015

CW Passive-Aggressively Rambles About Something He Found In The "New Stories"-Feed (Something I Found): Catching Butterflies

Maybe I’m just not sufficiently jaded, you know. Maybe I can’t see the trees for the oh so winsome forest. This story has four tags: Romance, Slice of Life, Alternate Universe and Human. It’s not out of boundary or anything, but it certainly is stating the contents in an aggrandized fashion. Romance is a minor part of it, and rather spoilery, I might add. I’d hate to be categorical, because then I’ll be just like those across-the-board taggings, which I hate, but I see red every time there’s a story with four of them, or even more.

I need to take a breath. This day has been nary a relaxing moment congested. I only chose this story because of it’s manageable length, and because it looked kind of charming, which it was, with a stipulation or two. Why do I always pick the offish/winsome ones? Is it my destiny to wallow in ambiguity, never a day free from the shackles that binds me in my unquenchable quest for knowledge? Know what? … Forget it! You could try “silence says more than a thousand words” but I know that’s just an excuse for people who aren’t good with words, so let’s go, yolks!